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New Arrivals

Rapture Blender Fabrics
Add extra dimension and depth to any project with QT Fabrics' newest tonal texture available in Bright Green, Ocean, Yellow, Peacock, Orange, and Smoke
Designed for Dear Stella, these fabrics feature simple dotted lines that will add texture to your next project. The colors coordinate perfectly with other Dear Stella collections like No Place Like Om, and Les Chats Noirs.
No Place Like Om Center yourself with selections from the collection designed by August Wren for Dear Stella Design.
Les Chats Noirs There's nothing scary about the whimsical felines by Leezaworks for Dear Stella Design. These cool cats are all personality! |
Get 'em while they're hot!
Back in Stock: 100% Wool Pressing Mats! Wool is an insulator - it absorbs heat and quickly releases it, ironing both sides. The fuzzy texture grips fabric in place and avoids stretching while ironing. While not ironing, the mat can be used as a pinnable design board. Available in 3 sizes: 17" x 24" 14-1/3" x 18-7/8" 13-1/2" x 13-1/2"

Bee Kind,
The Quilting Bee 15709 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio 44107 216-712-6579 thequiltingbeeonline.com
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