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New Arrivals
Strawberry Fields
Meet Strawberry Fields, Rifle Paper Co.'s latest fabric collection bursting with beautiful blooms, sweet berries, tiny bouquets, and delicate greenery in a palette of green, red, blue, and blush.
Shop Fat Quarter Bundles
Figs & Shirtings Kit
There are so many perfect prints that needed to be brought back to life after almost 100 years - with a bit of Fig Tree Co. style. This quilt kit includes prints that make you think of grandma’s aprons, laundry hanging on the line, vintage men’s pajamas, and flour sacks. The Fits & Shirtings Kit includes the Stitchery Sampler Quilt Pattern by Fig Tree Quilts, and Figs & Shirtings fabrics for the 50" x 60" quilt top and binding.
Shop Figs & Shirtings Kit
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Bee Kind,
The Quilting Bee 15709 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio 44107 216-712-6579 thequiltingbeeonline.com
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